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Share Workspaces with Collegues

Standardize app settings, text snippets, and workflows between iOS devices

Creating a workspace is easy.

Configure MovieSlate’s settings to your liking. Then from the Settings > Workspaces screen, tap the plus button, and name your new workspace.

Sharing a workspace is even easier.

From MovieSlate’s Settings > Workspaces screen, tap the upload button to the right of a workspace. MovieSlate creates an email containing a short ‘Share Code’ and download instructions— which you can send to others.

Downloading a shared workspace.

Image: Workspace Download menu from the MovieSlate app

From MovieSlate’s Settings > Workspaces screen, tap the download button and paste in the short ‘Share Code’ from the workspace email that you received.

Information Security.

Workspaces do not contain particularly confidential data, such as production or personal information— all of which is also preserved when loading a workspace.

Should others delete a workspace that you’ve shared, only their local copy of the workspace is actually deleted. Only you can delete a workspace you’ve shared on MSCloud.

Why use workspaces?

Image: Workspace Icon The MovieSlate app is a swiss army knife of useful features. Use Workspaces to quickly optimize MovieSlate for a particular task like: slating shots; logging interviews; shooting music videos; sound recording, or MultiCam logging.

Image: Workspace Download menu from the MovieSlate app What are workspaces?

Each workspace is a snapshot of your customized MovieSlate Settings: which Tabs are visible, the Slate’s appearance and behavior; Text Snippets and Input Styles that make text entry faster and easier; text field Data Labels; and History/Reporting preferences.

Loading a workspace.

From Settings > Workspaces screeen, tap on a workspace to load all or just some of its settings. You can choose to either replace or merge the chosen settings. Merging preserves your existing Text Snippets, Filename Input Styles, and Slate Appearance Themes.

Credits Productions
MovieSlate YouTube Channel icon